Here's How to Clean and Care for a Facial Roller

Here’s How to Clean and Care for a Facial Roller


I’m sure many of you use a Jade or Rose Quartz roller in your skincare routine and are reading this because you are not sure about how to clean and care for your beauty tool. Well, it’s super easy and can be done in under 2 minutes!

One of the most frequently asked questions on Skin & Rituals is – ‘Do I need to clean my face roller and if yes, How?’ 

The answer to that is simple – YES, you must clean your face roller after each use. Even though Jade and Rose Quartz are non-porous, meaning they will not absorb any skincare product you apply to the skin before using them, they will still collect dust and grime over time if not cleaned.  Think of it this way – You wash your makeup brushes or sponge after applying makeup, right? Same way, product will build up over a facial roller with use, especially if you’re not cleaning it after every use.

So here’s an easy and quick way to clean you facial rollers – Take a damp microfibre cloth and wipe down the face roller thoroughly after every use. However, if you are someone who prefers to deep clean your beauty tools or if you are using a face roller on your clients during facials, you must deep clean before and after every single use. Simply wash the roller with a gentle soap for 15-30 seconds and rinse with water. If you have sensitive skin – I recommend  that instead of  using soap, you wash the roller with the face cleanser you use everyday.

Always wipe the roller with a dry towel and leave it out to dry completely for a few minutes before you store it again. This will ensure that the hardware on the roller does not corrode or rust. Now this is something that no one will tell you, but I will – hardware on a facial roller will start to change colour after a while and that’s normal, so don’t freak out!

Sometimes, you might also find that your face roller starts to make a squeaking sound. That’s normal too šŸ™‚ Simply take any face oil or even olive or coconut oil and add a drop of that the the hinges where the metal attaches to the stone/crystal. Roll the roller head back and forth on your palm a few times and the squeaking will stop šŸ™‚

We do not recommend ever using any harsh chemicals to clean the roller… so no bleach or alcohol. It can damage the protective layer on the Jade and Rose Quartz. 

I hope this article helps…be sure to share it with your fellow skincare junkies! And if you ever have any questions about taking care of your beauty tool, feel free to reach out šŸ™‚

Buy Authentic Face Roller India

Here's How to Clean and Care for a Facial Roller
Authentic Jade and Rose Quartz Rollers by SkinnRituals


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