Face Roller Squeaking | Here's How to Fix the Problem

Face Roller Squeaking | Here’s How to Fix the Problem

Facial rollers have gained a lot of popularity in the last few years and for good reason! Using a face roller for a few minutes every day can not only do wonders for your skin, but also do wonders for your mind and body as they help calm the mind and lessen fatigue. However, face roller  noise and squeaking sounds coming from your face tool as your roll can annoy and irritate you, ruining your relaxation and self care routine. A common question that I receive on Skin & Rituals is “Why is my roller making squeaking sounds and what can I do to fix it?  Well, today’s article is all about how you can stop your face roller from squeaking. (If you are looking to buy an authentic face roller in India, do check out Skinnrituals


To fix this squeaking problem, we must first understand the anatomy of a face roller. Typically, a facial roller will comprise of a stone (ex. Jade) or a crystal (ex. Rose Quartz) body that is held together with the help of metal hardware. The roller heads have small indentations of either sides where the tip of the metal hardware attach and that is what holds them in place and helps the roller heads to roll with ease.


If your face roller is making squeaking sounds, it means that the metal hardware is rubbing up against the stone/crystal. Does this mean that your roller is broken or defective? NO! This is a very common issue with face rollers and can be fixed in under a minute.


Simply take a facial oil and put a drop of it on the indents where the metal hardware holds the roller heads in place. Now slowly roll on the palm of your hand a few times and alternate the direction of rolling (go back and forth) till the squeaking sound stops… and that’s it, it really is that simple! ðŸ™‚


You can use any vegetable oil of your choice here, but I recommend using a facial oil because it will be best suited for your skin and the chances of having a negative skin reaction will be close to none.


Keep in mind that you will have to repeat this treatment depending on how often you use your face roller and also how often you wash it. Another factor is weather – if you live in a hot, humid climate, then there is a much higher chance of the metal on your roller rusting. So make sure you clean and dry your face roller properly and repeat the oil treatment as required.



Face Roller India
Authentic Face Roller India – SKINNRITUALS

Related Article:

Difference Between Jade and Rose Quartz Roller | Which One to Choose?


  • Sheena May 7, 2021 at 6:47 am

    In my facial rollers metal connector broke..how should i fix

    • Ankita May 12, 2021 at 6:24 am

      Hi Sheena
      Can you tell me what part of the hardware broke off?
      In any case, there’s one quick fix – and that’s to use an instant adhesive to attach it back together… a drop or two of Fevikwik should be enough. Hope that helps 🙂


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