Discovering Cinque Terre: A 3-Day Love Affair with Italy's Coastal Treasures

Discovering Cinque Terre: A 3-Day Love Affair with Italy’s Coastal Treasures

When my husband and I planned our Italian holiday, we knew that the Cinque Terre region would be a highlight of our journey. The allure of these five colorful coastal villages, perched gracefully along the Italian Riviera, beckoned us with promises of breathtaking landscapes, vibrant culture, and mouthwatering cuisine. Eager to immerse ourselves fully in this enchanting world, we made a decision that would prove to be the best one yet – we opted to stay for three days instead of just a fleeting day trip. This choice would allow us to experience Cinque Terre’s true essence, away from the hurried footsteps of day trippers. Join us on this personal blog as we recount our 3-day adventure, replete with unforgettable memories, unexpected twists, and a lingering desire to return.

Day 1: Vernazza’s Charms and the Thrill of its Hiking Trails

Choosing to stay in the cozy Casa Dane in La Spezia was a brilliant move, not only for its economical comfort but also for the convenient connectivity to the Cinque Terre villages.

After a short rest at our hotel we decided to start our exploration with a visit to Vernazza and as we stepped out from the train station, Vernazza’s vibrant hues and serene coastal setting enveloped us in a warm embrace. We couldn’t wait to explore every nook and cranny.

We started with a short hike towards Moterosso al Mare. The trail led us through terraced vineyards, the salty sea breeze invigorating our senses. Reaching the famous viewpoint, we were greeted by a breathtaking panorama – the Mediterranean sea, adorned with fishing boats, stretched endlessly into the horizon, framed by the rugged cliffs and colorful houses of Vernazza. Each click of our camera captured a moment of magic.

Back in Vernazza, hunger led us to Luca, a local restaurant renowned for its seafood delicacies. We indulged in a plate of perfectly fried calamari and fish and chips, savoring each bite while basking in the brilliance of the sea view. Feeling energized, we decided to hike to another viewpoint, this time towards Corniglia. As we reached the top, the world seemed to pause for a moment, presenting us with yet another enchanting sunset. The sky transformed into a canvas of vivid colors, bidding farewell to the day in an ethereal dance of light.

In the company of newfound friends at Ananasso Bar, we ended the day on a high note. Pizza in Italy is always a treat, and here it was exceptional, perfectly complemented by the local dessert wine, Sciacchetra. The camaraderie among locals and travelers alike added an intangible charm to the evening, making us feel right at home in this coastal paradise.

Day 2: Unraveling Hidden Gems and Unexpected Adventures

With a new day dawning, we were eager to explore more of Cinque Terre’s treasures but not before a lovely breakfast, our hotel had given us coupons for a free breakfast at a nearby coffee shop which was delicious. On this day we equipped ourselves with a day pass for trains, as we were determined to visit as many villages as possible. The overcast weather did little to dampen our spirits; instead, it added an air of mystery to our journey.

Our first stop for the day was Vernazza yet again! There was something magnetic about this village that drew us back like a familiar friend. We retraced our steps to Vernazza’s hiking trails. The magic of these trails lay not just in the stunning views they offered but in the evolving landscape they revealed each time we climbed them. The morning light painted the scenery with a different brush, and we felt like we were discovering Vernazza all over again.

Upon reaching the famous viewpoints, we found ourselves in awe once more. The sea sparkled like a jewel, and the terracotta rooftops of Vernazza nestled snugly against the lush hillsides. It was a sight we could never tire of, and we captured the moment with our cameras, knowing that no photograph could truly do justice to its splendor.

With hearts full of wonder, we bid farewell to Vernazza and hopped on a train to Monterosso al Mare. The train ride offered yet another perspective of the Italian Riviera, showcasing a landscape that seemed to change at every turn.

In Monterosso, the laid-back beach town atmosphere welcomed us with open arms. We strolled along the sandy shores, dipping our toes in the cool waters of the Mediterranean. The sun played hide-and-seek behind the clouds, casting a soft, ethereal glow over the village. A sudden rain shower took us by surprise, but we embraced it as an adventure within an adventure. Seeking shelter in a cozy eatery, we shared laughs and stories, enjoying a simpler, slower pace of life.

From Monterosso al Mare we hopped on a train to Manarola. We were very excited to visit a famous restaurant there, known for its breathtaking views, but upon arrival we found out that it was temporarily closed. Fortunately, our disappointment turned into delight as we stumbled upon a terrace garden just above the restaurant. The magnificent vistas it offered were equally breathtaking, making us feel like we had found a hidden oasis.

Next we headed to Riomaggiore, where we were treated to a captivating sunset – a fitting end to an eventful day. The sky turned into a masterpiece, a symphony of colors that stirred our souls. It was moments like these that reminded us of the magic Cinque Terre held, and how it had found a permanent place in our hearts.

Day 3: Vernazza’s Tranquility and Reluctant Farewell

As our journey entered its final day, we knew that this would be a day of tranquility and reflection. We decided to dedicate the entire day to the village that had stolen our hearts – Vernazza.

The morning greeted us with a clear sky, and we felt fortunate to experience the village in all its glory. We spent unhurried hours sitting by the harbor, watching the majestic mountains and the rhythmic dance of the waves. The serenity of the moment allowed us to feel one with the village, as if time stood still and the world revolved around us.

Strolling through the narrow alleys, we discovered the true charm of Vernazza. Every cobblestone street seemed to hold a story, every colorful facade whispering tales of a bygone era. The quaint shops added to the village’s allure, each one inviting us to take a piece of Vernazza home with us.

Lunchtime brought us to Taverna del Capitano, a culinary gem offering traditional Ligurian cuisine. Trofie pasta in pesto sauce, a regional delicacy, graced our plates, and we paired it with an exquisite local white wine. The flavors danced on our taste buds, a celebration of the Mediterranean’s bounty.

As we strolled around the village, we witnessed a heartwarming spectacle. With the end of the season approaching, the fishermen of Vernazza were busy undocking their boats, bringing them back from the dock to the land. The sense of community and camaraderie among the locals was palpable, reflecting a way of life deeply connected to the sea.

As the day slowly slipped away, we noticed that some of the restaurants we had visited earlier were now closed, signaling the approaching end of the season. The village felt like it was preparing to retreat into its own cocoon, to rejuvenate and embrace the changing seasons, much like the cycle of life.

The remaining hours were spent savoring the views, people-watching, and shopping for some local wines to take back home – a piece of Cinque Terre that we could cherish long after we bid farewell.

Saying goodbye to Vernazza was not easy. Each day spent here had etched a special place in our hearts. The memories we created, the connections we made with the locals, and the beauty we experienced had made our stay in Cinque Terre a truly unforgettable one. As we left with a heavy heart, we promised ourselves that we would return one day, to once again immerse ourselves in the magic of this extraordinary Italian gem.


Our 3-day escapade in the enchanting Cinque Terre region of Italy was a journey of discovery, adventure, and genuine connection. Choosing to stay for three days, rather than opting for a hurried day trip, allowed us to peel back the layers of these coastal villages, uncovering hidden gems and experiencing the true essence of Cinque Terre. The off-season visit further enhanced our experience, as we savored intimate moments with nature and locals alike, delved into the culinary delights, and witnessed the rhythms of life that made each village so special. As we bid a reluctant farewell to Vernazza, we carried with us the beauty, charm, and warmth of Cinque Terre, eagerly anticipating the day we could return and relive this extraordinary Italian escapade once again.

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