Tag Archives : Physical exercise

5 Steps To Deal With Menopause Without Drugs

5 Steps To Deal With Menopause Without Drugs

Menopause is that phase in life that most women dread. While some face symptoms barely noticeable, many others face symptoms that threaten to disrupt their everyday lives. As a woman gets older, menopause takes place naturally as it is the biological process wherein your body stops being fertile and menstruating permanently. This process has side effects that are both emotional…

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13 Pilates Moves to Strengthen Your Core Muscles

13 Pilates Moves to Strengthen Your Core Muscles

  People often complain that gaining a couple of extra pounds never seem to be too difficult, but having to shed them always seems like a herculean task. In your quest to shed weight, if you wish to embark on a journey towards not just physical strength and fitness, but also a complete spirit, mind and body coordination, try a…

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