12 Weight Loss Tips for Women

12 Weight Loss Tips for Women

Women often worry a lot about shedding weight as the dream is to have that gorgeous hour-glass figure and every now and then women fret over how thin they would like to be.
What we as women don’t understand is that weight loss should never be unhealthy, instead you should shed weight by following a weekly meal plan and by regular exercise, not by going on a strict diet that makes you feel famished by the end of the day.


Here are 12 easy Weight-Loss Tips for women to shed that extra weight in a healthy fashion:



1. Drink Lots of Water


Your body requires ample amount of water, so make sure you drink around 8 to 10 full glasses of water in a day. Water isn’t just a way to rinse out all the toxins from your system but an ample amount of water within your body will normally make you feel much healthier and also fitter. Water has no calories at all and that’s the greatest benefit.



2. Exercise Regularly


Do aerobics or cardiovascular exercises every morning before you eat your breakfast. They are work outs for your heart and lungs. By training first thing in the morning, your body metabolism gets that kick-start which will keep functioning all through the day and burn fat.

Research shows that you can burn equal to 3 times more fat if you’ve worked out early in the day. Exercise doesn’t only mean weight training, women you can go out simply for a walk, or a jog, or a run. You can even take your pet out for a walk or roller blade with your kid or maybe go on a hike or cycling with your partner.

Activities like swimming, playing racket ball, going hiking out in the open are fun ways to get your muscles working, so stop being boring and think of exciting ways to challenge yourself physically.



3. Don’t Skip Meals


You must eat 5 small meals a day. Begin with breakfast. Do not ever leave out the first meal of the day as it’s the most important and you’ll wind up devouring everything that’s on the way later on if you’ve skipped breakfast.

Eat wisely so that your body does not yearn for more food. Keep the meals small and eat every 3-4 hours. This way your body will not store any fats for an emergency situation and the body metabolism will constantly work in order to digest what you’re eating, which in turn means that you’ll constantly be burning calories.



4. Watch What You’re Eating


Keep an observant eye on each and every food that goes into your body. Bear in mind that it’s the simplest thing to eat stuff without even realising that maybe you shouldn’t have done so! One of the easiest ways to do that is by cooking yourself – so you know exactly what you’re eating and how the food is being prepared.

Eat more of green vegetables, fresh fruits, oats, etc instead of eating junk food. Reduce your intake of caffeine and aerated drinks.



5. Be Wise About What You Drink


Drink lots of water and don’t confuse it with drinking with alcohol!

Say a big NO to packaged juices, sugar and cream in your tea or coffee and pop, as they all add to a disaster. Instead opt for fresh juices or smoothies that have all the fiber intact as that’s the healthy part.

Drink ample water because when you’re dehydrated, the body metabolism slows down and it stops burning the fat.



6. Don’t Become Overly-Restraining


You ought to have some favourite treats once in a while. Go ahead and allow yourself some bit of indulgence, just watch out that the quantity or the frequency doesn’t go out of hand or boundary.

Indulging in small treats once in a blue moon can be gratifying for you during the whole weight loss journey. Cutting down too much in the case of favourite treats will usually end in an ugly early relapse.



7. Stop Binging at 7pm


I’m guilty (as hell) of doing this!

One ought to plan stop eating at least 3-4 hours ahead of going to bed. If you’re someone who is very active during evening time, then maybe 2 hours is ok, but at least 4 hours must be the standard as the majority of us end up in front of out TV on our couches.

Once you have had a meal, your body will need some time in order to burn what you have eaten. If you follow through with this rule, it will grant your body abundance of time for burning off calories and assist you in losing weight quickly.



8. Say NO to Crash Diets


Now I crash diets are tempting… there’s no doubt, but it will ultimately lead to a rebound of weight gain that brings feelings of disappointment and failure.

A crash diet can undermine your health. It is tough to follow a crash diet for long, it can cause physical distress and it will eventually lead to frustration when you end up regaining the weight later on. So instead try and make lifestyle changes, one at a time, and you’ll see how much more that helps you in the long run 🙂



9. Maintain a Journal


This one works…trust me!

A journal or diary aids in documenting what you have been eating, what works for you and what hasn’t worked for you in the past. This is an excellent way to keep track of and assess what you eat and your habits once you’re at the end of a weekly meal plan.

Share your journal with your dietician and then ask him/her to suggest some improvement points for you or guide you on what you should continue to do and what not.



10. Give Your Body Enough Rest


The time you spend sleeping is a vital component when you are trying to shed weight. Researchers establish facts to prove that a better sleep habit is helpful towards the triumph of any plan that is directed at weight loss.

Your body needs time to rest and recuperate, especially if you are exercising a lot, so give it the much deserved TLC!



11. Treat Yourself


Don’t be too strict or harsh on yourself. Go easy and allow yourself at least 1 day in the entire week to do and eat as you please.

If you start disliking your diet, you should understand that something’s wrong. Go ahead and find an alternate diet that you like better and one that suits your lifestyle and body type.



12. Start Drinking Green Tea


I’m saying this as someone who never had a taste for it… and trust me when I say you’ll fall in love with this habit.

Scientifically it’s been proven that Green Tea helps reduce cholesterol, which only does good to your body. It also helps in developing a better ratio of HDL (good cholesterol) as compared to LDL (bad cholesterol) as it contains polyphenols (a potent antioxidant).




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